Saturday 23 June 2012

The Shipping News...

Apologies for the extended absence - I've been moving home again (yes, that's right twice in the period of a year, not recommended). The best bit about this one is the balcony with an amazing sea-view. I've longed for a sea-view for many years now so this really is a dream come true.

We're up quite high so when there are gale force winds (which we've experienced quite a bit of already) it gets a bit hairy outside. Nonetheless we've also had some lovely weather and have managed a couple of meals out there. The binoculars have been on constant standby as we see a lot of sea going traffic, from windsurfers to passenger ferries, there's always something going on out at sea. My favourite times are first thing in the morning when I rush to look at the view and in the evening once it's dark and the lights of the ships can be seen bobbing around. We really are very lucky to have this experience.
Just now we spotted a tall three masted ship - seemingly on collision course for our flat. It's like Pirates of the Caribbean muttered Dr X... 
Here's some sneak peaks if you are interested:

All  calm at sea today

Sometimes I feel like I'm living inside an oil painting

Ship ahoy!

I wouldn't mind a lift if Captain Jack Sparrow has room...